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Mark Thompson, Pawel Kozlowski, Alex Rickabaugh
Minko Gechev, Mark Thompson, Emma Twersky, Simona Cotin, Pawel Kozlowski, Alex Rickabaugh, Matthieu Riegler, Michael Egger-Zikes
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Keynote Session - Exploring Control Flow and Reactivity

Alex Rickabaugh | Pawel Kozlowski

Alex Rickabaugh - Angular Core Team, Google | USA
Alex Rickabaugh is a software engineer at Google, and for the last years has been a core member of the Angular team. Throughout his time on Angular, Alex has worked on the Service Worker implementation for Progressive Web Apps, server-side rendering support, and a rewrite of the HTTP API. Currently, he works on the Angular Compiler, getting it ready for the next generation architecture, Angular Ivy.

Pawel Kozlowski - Angular Core Team, Google | France
Open source hacker, AngularJS book author, AngularUI lead developer. Pawel is an software-development addict who believes in free, open source software. He is a core contributor to the AngularJS framework, AngularUI, Karma-runner and several other projects. He is the co-author of the "Mastering Web Application Development with AngularJS" book. When not coding, Pawel can be spotted speaking at various software development conferences.