Hydration and Lazy-Loading Are Incompatible

Miško Hevery

Hydration and Lazy-loading are incompatible
If your app is slow, the advice is to lazy-load your code and execute less code on startup. That is excellent advice, but it is much harder than it seems because of how hydration works in today's frameworks. Hydration forces the execution of application code, preventing you from lazy loading most of the code on the page. To prove the point, let's build a simple counter and see how hydration will thwart our ability to lazy load it or minimize the amount of code executed.

Miško Hevery - Chief Technology Officer, Builder.io | USA
As CTO, Miško oversees the technology division that powers the Builder.io applications and software. Before joining Builder.io, he created Open Source platforms for Google, including Angular, AngularJS and was co-creator of Karma. While at Google, he brought a testing culture there with his blog. Before focusing on making the web better, he believes testing is the key to success.

Miško started his career designing digital circuits and moved to databases, full-stack development and finally, front-end frameworks, giving him a unique perspective. He understands all of the layers from the web down to a transistor. In addition to Google, he worked for tech powerhouses Adobe Systems and Sun Microsystems.

He holds an MS/BS from Rochester Institute of Technology and an MBA from Santa Clara University.