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Introducing the Identity Guardians

Alisa Duncan

When you incorporate authentication and authorization in your web applications using OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect (OIDC), you end up with a bunch of incomprehensible strings in return. What are these strings, and why are there so many of them?! This talk covers OAuth and OIDC at a high level, auth tokens, what a JWT is, what each token is for, and how everything fits into your Angular applications.

Alisa Duncan - Senior Developer Advocate, Okta | USA

Alisa Duncan is a Senior Developer Advocate at Okta, a full-stack developer, content creator, conference speaker, Pluralsight author, and community builder who loves the thrill of learning new things. She is a Google Developer Expert in Angular, a Women Techmaker Ambassador, a ngGirls core team member, and a volunteer at community events supporting underrepresented groups entering tech. When not coding or volunteering, you can find her cooking, watching K-Dramas, or drinking a glass of wine.