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Managing a Multi-Framework Application
Managing a Multi Framework Application
Typically, a company strives for a single-version, single-technology frontend stack. Because of autonomous teams, mergers and acquisitions the frontend platform team may face a situation, where different frameworks need to be supported while a unified user experience has to be guaranteed.
So far, Webpack Module Federation helped with implementing such scenarios, however a change in the JavaScript ecosystem makes this challenge even harder: a new generation of build tools emerges and will very likely replace Webpack - a new API to compose a Micro Frontend architecture is required.
This talk will discuss the current challenges of Multi Framework solutions and demonstrates how to bring them together into one integrated UI by using build tools like esbuild and Native Federation.
Michael Egger-Zikes - Trainer & Consultant, | Austria
Michael Egger-Zikes is an experienced software architect, trainer, and consultant with a focus on Angular in the field of business applications. As a member of the ANGULARarchitects expert network, he has supervised and implemented large enterprise-scale Angular projects in the public and private sectors.
As an external (part-time) lecturer, he also teaches this topic at a university of applied sciences in Graz, Austria. The business informatics graduate has a lot of experience with software engineering and automating business processes.