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More From NG Poland Conf
Mark Thompson, Pawel Kozlowski, Alex Rickabaugh
Minko Gechev, Mark Thompson, Emma Twersky, Simona Cotin, Pawel Kozlowski, Alex Rickabaugh, Matthieu Riegler, Michael Egger-Zikes
Tomasz Ducin

Keynote Session - The Future of Angular

Minko Gechev | Mark Thompson

Minko Gechev - Angular Core Team, Google | USA

Minko is an engineer in the Angular team at Google. He loves to experiment with abstract theoretical computer science concepts transform them into robust industrial solutions. Minko’s working on compilers, tools for static code analysis, and machine learning. Some his projects are the book “Switching to Angular”, Guess.js, codelyzer, the official Angular style guide, the Go linter revive, and many others.

Mark Thompson - Angular Core Team, Google | USA

Mark loves to teach and code. He is an award winning university instructor and engineer. He comes with a passion for creating meaningful learning experiences. With over a decade of developing solutions across the tech stack, speaking at conferences, and mentoring developers, he is excited to continue to make an impact in tech. Lately, Mark has been spending time as a developer relations engineer on the Angular Team.