Who Needs Server Components?

Tomasz Ducin

Who needs Server Components?
We're witnessing the next step of the Web Architecture evolution: after MPAs, SPAs, SSR, SSG/ISG, it's time for Server Components. Many questions arise, such as:

- does this architecture suit the needs of my business and my application?
- what are the benefits to expect?
- what are the downsides and do the benefits overweight them?
- and... aren't we actually taking a step back (!), since we're moving more operations back to the server?

Let's deconstruct the hype around Server Components, with a tiny bit of technical details behind React Server Components. Let's discover how the fusion of client-side interactivity and server-side efficiency optimizes web vitals and (r)evolutionizes web development.

Tomasz Ducin - Independent Consultant, Architect, Developer & Trainer, Poland
Experienced in both frontend and backend. JavaScript expert, passionate about programming, involved in the industry since 2007.
Ex-theater actor, probably addicted to coffee and certainly addicted to listening to music.